Carla Gannis

Editionen von Carla Gannis
Kunst goes digital
2003 ging Second Life online. Carla Gannis hatte schnell einen Avatar, eine sehr sportliche Frauenfigur, ständig in Bewegung, aktives Wesen in dieser im Wesentlichen von seinen Usern gestalteten Online-Welt.
Heute ist C.A.R.L.A., der Avatar, in die 3d Brillen der ‚Virtuelle Reality‘ umgezogen und hat ihrerseits einen Avatar. Gannis interessiert sich für die aktuellen Repräsentationstechnologien der grundsätzlich digitalen Information. Das Ineinanderwirken von analoger und digitaler Realität ist ihr Spielfeld.
Leitfigur in den USA
Die Künstlerin ist eine Leitfigur der US Amerikanischen Digitalkunst Szene. Von New York aus, wo ihre Kunst bereits einen Monat lang die Leuchttafeln des Time Square bespielten, wirkt sie international geradezu als Botschafterin der virtuellen Kunst. Ihre Arbeiten sind weltweit überall dort zu sehen, wo die jüngsten Entwicklungen der digitalen Kunst ins Auge gefasst werden.
Statement Carla Gannis
“Meine Arbeit untersucht die Erzählweisen der Repräsentationstechnologien des 21. Jahrhunderts und stellt die hybride Natur der Identität, in der virtuelle und reale Selbstentwürfe sich selbst unterscheiden und beschneiden, in Frage. Ich fühle mich mit vergangenen und zeitgenössischen Künstlern und Schriftstellern verwandt, die starre Vorstellungen von Realität und Wahrnehmung dekonstruieren. Die Erweiterung dieser Sensibilität mit computergestützten Anwendungen ist für mich nur als eine Reflexion über das digitale Zeitalter, in dem wir alle koexistieren, natürlich.”
1995 Master of Fine Arts, Painting, Boston University
1992 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
seit 2019 Professor für das integrierte Digital Media Program, Department of Technology, Culture and Society, Tandon School of Engineering, New York University (NYU)
2011 – 2019 Assistentin des Lehrstuhls und Professor am Department of Digital Arts, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
2011 – 2016 Lehrbeauftragte am Department of Digital Arts, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
2011 – 2019 Lehrbeaufragte am Department of Graduate Communications Design, Pratt Institute, New York, NY
2001 – 2007 Lehrbeauftragte am Department of Computer Arts & Design, Mercy College, New York, NY
2001 – 2007 Lehrbeauftragte am Department of Computer Arts, School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Ausstellung (Auswahl)
Einzelausstellungen/Solo Shows
2020 WWWunderkammer, Telematic Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Worlds of Our Own, Wallplay Gallery, New York, NY
2019 C.A.R.L.A., Flecker Gallery at Suffolk Community College, curated by
Jeffrey Allen Price, Selden, NY
2018 Midnight Moment, presented by Times Square Arts, Harvestworks & The Streaming Museum, Times Square, New York, NY Portraits in Landscape, presented by DAM Gallery, Sony Center, Berlin, Germany
Lady Ava Interface, Sunrise/Sunset, Whitney Museum of American Art, Artport Commission by Christiane Paul, New York, NY
2017 Until the End of the World, DAM Gallery, Berlin, Germany
The Selfie Drawings : An Augmented Reality Artist Book and Installation, Pratt Institute Libraries, Brooklyn, NY
Augmented Gardens and Other Emoji Delights, New Media Artspace, Baruch College curated by Katherine Behar, New York,NY
2016 A Subject Self-Defined, NY Media Center in Conjunction with Cyberfest 10, Brooklyn, NY
A Subject Self-Defined, TRANSFER Gallery, Brooklyn, NY La Emoji Lujuria, Sedition Art, Online Exhibition
2015 The Garden of Emoji Delights, Real Art Ways, Hartford, CT
The Garden of Emoji Delights, EBK Gallery, Hartford, CT
The Garden of Emoji Delights, Pulse ArtFair, TRANSFER Gallery, NY, NY
Robbi Carni, Digital Sweat Gallery, Online Exhibition
The Garden of Emoji Delights, Hudson River Museum,Yonkers, NY
2014 The Garden of Emoji Delights Kasia Kay Gallery, Chicago, Il The Garden of Emoji Delights, (screening) TRANSFER Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
The Non-Facial Recognition Project, Center for the Digital Arts, Peekskill, New York
2013 <legend> </legend> | Carla Gannis & Justin Petropoulos (two-person collaboration), Transfer Gallery, Brooklyn, New York in conjunction with book publication by Jaded Ibis Press of Gannis/ Petropoulos collaboration Close to Home: A Decade of Acquisitions, North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, NC
2012 The Multiversal Hippozoonomadon & Prismenagerie, Pablo’s Birthday, NY
2010 What is not on my mind, Pablo’s Birthday, New York, NY
2008 Jezebel, Kasia Kay Art Projects, Chicago, IL
Jezebel, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Boulder, CO
Jezebel Inside, TZR Galerie, Dusseldorf, Germany
2007 Jezebel, Claire Oliver Gallery, New York, NY
2006 Everything That Rises Must Converge, Kasia Kay Art Projects, Chicago, IL
Jezebel, Loop, Claire Oliver Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2005 I Dream of Jeannie Emerging From a Fresca Bottle, Christa Schuebbe Galerie, Dusseldorf, Germany
2004 Travelogue, Pablo’s Birthday, New York, NY
2003 Travelogue, Wax Gallery, New York, NY
Gruppenausstellungen/Group Shows (die letzten 10 Jahre)
2019 SIMULANT DYSTOPIA, curated by Justin Wood, NY, NY
Children Of Prometheus, curated by Marc Garrett of Furtherfield, Limassol, Cyprus
Video Art & Experimental Film Festival 2019, Tribeca Film Center, DCTV, NYC, NY
Supernova Digital Animation Festival, curated by Faiyaz Jafri, Denver Theatre District, Denver, CO
SCREEN IT, curated by Pieter Jan Valgaeren, Belgium
Universal Data (Biennale of Contemporary Art 2019
An Exploration of Our Digital Presence), curated by Sarah Schaub, MACAM, Byblos, Lebanon
Avatar Poetics, Curated by Sean Capone Rochester Contemporary Art Center, NY
PRIMITIVO, CasaHoffman, Bogetá, Colombia
Body Mass, Boston Cyberarts, Boston, MA
HOT STEAM II, MIT Museum, Cambridge, MA
SPAMM Philosophy, curated by Domenico Barra & Domenico Esposito Mapils Gallery, Napoli, IT
Bitforms Los Angeles, ROW DTLA, Los Angeles, CA
Iconicity, curated by Gretta Louw, Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY
Re-Figure-Ground, curated by Kelani Nichole, Arebyte Gallery, London, UK
2018 Out of Body, curated by Susan Silas and Claudia Hart, with Stephanie Dinkins, Carla Gannis, Claudia Hart, Sophie Kahn, Susan Silas, Bitforms Gallery, NY, NY AR Contribution to Synthetic Cells, solo exhibition by Michael Rees with contributing artists: Tamiko Thiel, Will Pappenheimer, Claudia Hart, Chris Mazione, John Craig Freeman, and Carla Gannis, Grounds for Sculpture, Trenton, NJ The Art of Transformation, curated by Wolf Lieser, Kulturhaus des BASD Schwarzheide Touching from a Distance: Transmediations in the Digital Age, curated by Tina Sauerlander and Peggy Schoenegge, Literaturhaus, Berlin, GE
Please, Express Yourself, curated by Filippo Lorenzin, Greencube Gallery, London, UK Measures of Life, presented by the Lumen Prize, with vtol, Rachel Ara, Stanza, Molly Soda, Nicole Ruggiero, Refrakt, Carla Gannis, and Anna Ridler, Humber Street Gallery, Hull, UK
Summer Splash 4, curated by Wolf Lieser with Carla Gannis, Casey Reas, Driessens & Verstappen, Eelco Brand, Mark Wilson, Peter Vogel, Vera Molnar, DAM Gallery, Berlin, GE
TRANSFER Download, curated by Kelani Nichole, Participating Artists: AES+F, LaTurbo Avedon, Snow Yunxue Fu,Carla Gannis, Claudia Hart, „„ Alex McLeod, Rollin Leonard, Lorna Mills, Harvey Moon,Sabrina Ratte, Rick Silva & Nicolas Sassoon, Daniel Temkin, Theo Triantafyllidis, and LuYang, Carl and Marilynn Thoma Foundation Art House, Santa Fe, NM
Stop and Go, MGLC – International Centre of Graphic Arts, Grad Tivoli, Ljubljana, Slovenia Artworks and Experiences, Harvestworks + Streaming Museum, Governors Island, NY
URL:IRL, Dunlop Central Gallery, Central Mediatheque, and Sherwood Gallery, Regina, Canada
SIGNAL, Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY Homeostase – The Wrong New Digital Art Biennale, Centro Cultural São Paulo CCSP Pendoran Vinci, curated by Tina Sauerlander and Peggy Schoenegge, NRW Forum, Dusseldorf, Germany
NOW YOU SEE IT…., Boston Cyberarts Gallery, Jamaica Plain, MA
RE-SCREENING: 5 Years of Transfer, TRANSFER, Brooklyn, NY
Internet Yami-Ichi, NADA Art Fair, Rhizome Edition, New York, NY
Spring Break Art Show, curated by Maria Kozak and Jane LaFarge, New York, NY
Art of Tech, AFA Gallery, New York, NY Personal Spaces, National Arts Club, New York, New York
Panorama Punjab, Qila Mubarak in Patiala, Punjab, India
2017 La Belle Vie Numérique, curated by Fabrice Bousteau, Foundation EDF, Paris, France
Zeitgeist, curated by Jeffrey Allen Price, Space 776, Brooklyn, NY
Nasty Women : Architecture, Anise Gallery, London, UK
Identity Document, curated by Chris Bors, Gallery Bergen, Bergen, NJ
The Wrong — New Digital Art Biennale, curated by Guilherme Brandão and Julia Borges Araña, Centro Cultural São Paulo (CCSP)
Whole Grain : Experiments in Film & Video — Contemporary Experiments in Animation, Tang Museum, Saratoga Springs, NY
BUNKER, a pop up exhibition within Sotheby’s, curated by Gabe Barcia- Colombo, New York, NY
Female/Feminist/2017, curated by Alva Greenberg, Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts, Old Lyme, CT
Digital Futures, Lumen Reveals Showcase, Hackney House, London, UK
Hybris, Masters and Hybrids in Contemporary Art, curated by Silvia Burini,
Giuseppe Barbieri,Anna Frants and Elena Gubanova,Venice, Italy
Another Space, curated by Yandell Walton, Centre for Projection Art,Testing Grounds, Melbourne, Australia
Stronger Together, directed by Isabel Draves, LISA and Akaash Mehta,
Creative Tech Week Arts Hub, Knockdown Center, Queens, NY
New and Other Worlds, hosted by the Lumen Prize, Creative Tech Week Arts Hub, Institute of Technology, New York, NY
Invisible Cities, curated by Page Benkowski, Georgia Horn,Taylor A. Fisch,The Wallach Art Gallery, Columbia University, New York, NY
Mermaids and Unicorns, curated by Benoit Mathieu Palop, Carlotta Meyer and Tina Sauderländer, online exhibition
Alien Nations, curated by Bartholomew F. Bland and Yuneikys Villalonga, Lehman College Art Gallery, Bronx, NY
Personal Tesseract, curated by Anne Spalter, Spring Break Art Fair, New York, NY
Anonymx: The End of the Privacy Era, curated by Svetlana Reinhold, Haifa Museums of Art, Haifa, Israel
Electric Breath, curated by Meredith Drum as part of the Emerge Festival at Arizona State University (in)compatible, Interstitial Gallery, Seattle,WA
Nasty Woman, Knockdown Center, Queens, NY
2016 Cyfest 10: Digital REvolution, traveling to Taiga Art Space (St Petersburg), Corferias in partnership with SOFA (Bogota and Mexico), and the Made In New York Media Center(Brooklyn, New York)
Dreamlands: Immersive Cinema and Art 1905-2016, participating artist in “Ways of Something” curated and compiled by Lorna Mills,Whitney Museum, New York, NY
The Art of Dying, AR & VR Exhibition, DreamLogic, San Francisco, CA
Torino Graphics Days, online exhibition
Beggars Banquet, curated by Alfredo Martinez and Noah Becker, Salomon Arts, New York, NY
Monsters of The Machine, curated by Marc Garrett, LABoral Centro de Arte, Spain
Cat Heroics Sublimis, curated by Tina Sauerländer and Peggy Schoenegge,
Newhive (online)
Synthetic Resonances, curated by Eva Papamargariti,Assembly Point, London, UK
Artshub, Creative Tech Week, curated by Hyphen Hub, Clemente Soto Velez Art Center Beautiful Interfaces, curated by Helena Acosta & Miyö Van Stenis, REVERSE, Brooklyn, NY
Ultimo dipinto, curated by Valentina Tanni and Saverio Verini, smART polo per l’arte, Rome, Italy In Out (Works of the Body), curated by Susan Classen-Sullivan, Hans Weiss Newspace Gallery, Manchester, CT
The Remix Party, selected by Antonio Roberts, Birmingham Open Media, Birmingham, UK
2015 Beyond the Beyond, curated by Daisy McGowan, GOCA Galleries of Contemporary Art | University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO
Jokes of Nature, Redline, curated by Donald Fodness & Geoffrey Shamos, Denver, CO
☆INTERNET YAMI-ICHI☆, Knockdown Center, Queens, NY
Video Art & Experimental Film Festival, Tribeca Cinemas, New York, NY
Porn to Pizza, curated by Tina Sauerländer, DAM Gallery, Berlin, Germany
File Sao Paulo 2015: Electronic Language International Festival, Centro Cultural FIESP – Ruth Cardoso, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Reinventing the Helm : Self-Styled Nautical Activists Pirate the Canon of Maritime Art, Sara Nightingale Gallery,Water Mill, NY
NonSelfNonSite, Couhaus Gallery, New York, NY
TechNoBody, Pelham Art Center, Pelham, NY
Hang Together: Collaborative Works & Practices, Pratt Institute Library, Brooklyn, NY Garden of Emoji Delights, Pulse ArtFair, New York, NY Making History (benefit exhibition), AiB 2015 Benefit, Brooklyn, NY
2014 Hypersalon, ABMB, Miami Beach, Fl
IRL: Internet/Real Life, Paragraph Gallery, Kansas City, MO Convergence, Boston University School of Visual Arts, Boston, MA
Internet Flirt, online exhibition on NEW HIVE
Ways of Something, Transfer Gallery, curated by Lorna Mills, Brooklyn, NY Coded After Lovelace, Whitebox Art Center, New York, NY Reconstellation, Praksis N3w M3dia Art Festival, Chicago, Il
From the collection of Allen Thomas, Greenville Museum of Art, Greenville, NC influx (arrival & inward flow of a lot amount of something), CR10, Hudson, NY Bring Your Own Beamer, Plus 81 Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Merging Properties, Open Gallery Space, New York, NY
Ways of Something, Oude Kerk, curated by Lorna Mills,Amsterdam, Netherlands Separation Anxiety, Wallplay, curated by Lee Wells & Laura O’Reilly, New York, NY FILTERED: What Does Love Look Like?, Friesen Gallery Sun Valley, ID
Cultural Guerillas, Hudson Guild Gallery, New York, NY
(Benefits: Flux Factory, Neue Gallery Art Fairs: Hypersalon, Unpainted,
Silicon Valley Art Fair)
2013 The Emoji Art & Design Show, Eyebeam Art & Technology Center, New York, NY
The Red and Pink Show, AIR Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Vibe, curated by Mary Ann Strandell, Suite 303, New York, NY Anatomize, curated by Rollin Leonard,Transfer Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Cake, George Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
Clusterfuck Zoo, curated by Lorna Mills,Transfer Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Nature Does Not Knock, George Gallery, Laguna, CA
Hotter Than July, Savannah Spirit Projects, New York, NY
love, Melepere,Verona, Italy
“legend legend” at Writing on it All, (performance), Governors Island, NY (Benefits: Aljira, Bailey House, UNC-Greensboro Art Dept Art Fairs: Fountain)
2012 Won Ocean, Neue Galerie, Gladbeck, Germany
Colliding Complexities, Extreme Feats of the New York-New Aesthetic,
Storefront Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY
The Last Art Fair, Larry Walczak Projects, Brooklyn, NY
Beauty Debate, Art Effect Gallery, Detroit, MI
Accomplished, The George Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
(Benefits: Flux Factory, Nurture Art, Cuchifritos, Momenta, Haunch of Venison)
2011 The Winter of Our Disk Content, Pablo’s Birthday Gallery, NY, NY
Geo Loco | The Reimagined Landscape, Outpost Artist’s Resources, Ridgewood, NY
Find and Combine, Abrazo Interno Gallery, NY, NY
The Medium and the Message, Byrdcliffed Kleinert/James Art Center, Woodstock, NY
Picture This, Pablo’s Birthday Gallery, NY, NY
Pulse Art Fair, Represented by Pablo’s Birthday, NY, NY
Pandemonium, NY Center of Photography and the Moving Image, NY, NY
Off the Wall, Off the Floor, curated by Kasia Kay, Michigan City, IN
(Benefits: As Vision Move Sideways, The Hole)
2010 2010 Salon, Pablo’s Birthday Gallery, NY, NY
Salon, Gary Gissler Projects, NY, NY
Windows of Perception, CultureFix, NY,
Hunting Banquet, Parker’s Box, Brooklyn, NY, NY
Painting with Pictures, Casita Gallery, NY, NY
Art Chicago, KKAP, Chicago, IL
2009 Black Madonna, HP Garcia Gallery, NY, NY
Drawings, Pablo’s Birthday Gallery, NY, NY, To Be or Not To Be, Rutgers University Department of Fine Arts, and Rutgers Camden Center for the Arts, Cambden, NJ
Desires, Chashama Gallery, NY, NY
Old School, Jack the Pelican Gallery, NY, NY